To start things off, let me tell you something amazing that happened to me last week: I passed an English Literature CLEP test (worth 6 college credits). Okay, I know it doesn't sound that amazing...but for me, it totally was. Why? Well, lets just say literature was not my strong point. The test had lots of analyzing in it, which is *definitely* not my area of expertise.
Anyway....I started studying for it about a month before I tested, but didn't really get much done the first three weeks due to a trip home, and a 2-week Graphic Design class. Okay, so I had basically a week to study all of the basics of English Literature that I supposedly learned in high school(of course, I didn't remember any of it).
I took two practice tests, and failed them a lot. By Thursday, the day before I wad supposed to test, I had studied everything I could think of that was a main deal in English Literature. I still didn't have a good practice test score, but I told my Program Advisor that I really wanted to just take it since I had already studied so hard, but I wanted a few more days to study. The next testing day was Tuesday. I studied super hard till then(mostly cementing everything I had already learned). A few of my friends had study-sessions with me, and everyone was super encouraging.
Well, Tuesday finally rolled around, and I had a 3-hour class that morning that had nothing to do with English Literature. Candace and Leah spontaneously came into class with Starbucks for me and a few other special girls. :)
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Finally, after an hour and a half of answering questions(I had just barely enough time to get through all of the questions without having to skip any), it was over. I passed, and by a pretty good amount, too! :D
All that to say...I think that was God's way of saying, "Trust me Katie, I got this."
Last weekend was super awesome.
I got to go home and visit my family and friends! It was only for a few days, but it was totally the highlight of my week(besides passing English Lit, of course. ;)).
Jenn and I had a movie night on Saturday! Sam, Sarah and Sophia came over and watched Leapyear with us(Right in between Leap day and St. Patricks Day! How appropriate is that?). It was super fun to have dinner, watch a movie and then play a few games with a few of my Illinois friends. :)
On Sunday I went to church and surprised more friends, went to Joe's soccer game, then to a church open house to top it off.
Oh, yes, and a spontaneous photoshoot with Jenn to practice my photoshopping skills that I learned during Graphic Design.
Well, there you have it, everything (or at least all of the major things that I can think of at the moment)that happened in the past month. :)