Thursday, February 02, 2012

A wonderful day... (:

I can't describe the past week an a half in one word, so I'm not even gonna try. (Trust me, that's probably a good thing.)

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  Lets see...

I woke up early. (7:15. half an hour to get ready for chapel. I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible for me to get used to getting up that early.  I think not. =/)


I read a few chapters for a book discussion group:

Super good book about time management, and prioritizing...something I will honestly say I'm pretty bad at.  Anyway, the chapter I read today was on how we need to make make sure we put our focus on what's THE best thing for us to do, and not just something we *really* want to do.  That's one thing I'm trying to work on.  I have a habit of procrastinating on the things I need to do the most, and then to make myself feel better about it, I do something else instead that is still important, but just not as much.  A little voice inside me says, "Well, [this] needs to be done too, so at least I'm not wasting my time..."
Yeah. Still working on getting better at that. ;P

Anyway...back to my day...

Symposium was good.  Candace, Alison and Victor gave great speeches. :)  I'm due for a speech sometime in March.  I'm trying to think of a good topic to speak on.  (Ideas??)

Dinner was totes delish.  GREEK night!  Gyros, waffle fries, an amazing greek salad, and baklava for dessert.  (Don't worry, I didn't know what it was either) :)  I went out with Janet, Lindsay, Butters, Steven, Abby and Josh to DQ for ice cream...haha, I definitely think I'm gaining the freshman 15. =P

And LASTLY........I got back and talked to my BESTIE on the phone!  Highlight of my whole day.
Can I just say I am so blessed with the friends I have?  They're always there to encourage me, pray for me, and just talk about whatever with me :).  All this to say, last night Jenny and I had a super uplifting conversation that I really needed.

I love her!

Yep, that was a pretty good night.


1 comment:

  1. Awww!! <3 <3 <3
    It was soo good to talk to you! Thanks for talking/listening to/encouraging me! You are such a blessing in my life. I'm so thankful for your friendship!
    Miss you like crazy&Love you bunches!!
