Thursday, January 19, 2012

Crazy Love

I started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. SO powerful.  I would *highly* recommend it if you haven't yet read it.  It talks about God's crazy, unconditional, all-powerful love for us and His desire to have a passionate and deep relationship with us.

Today I read a chapter about the lukewarm Christian.  He was talking about how in Luke 8, Jesus spoke in parables so that the people who weren't legitimately listening wouldn't get it.  God hates people who fake it, and He hates lukewarmness...He says we can either be for Him or against Him--there's no in-between.

The Chapter gives a long list of signs of a lukewarm Christian.  It was super convicting to me, personally.

"Lukewarm people ask,

  • ‘How far can I go before it’s considered a sin?’ instead of ‘How can I keep myself pure as a temple of the Holy Spirit?’
  • ‘How much do I have to give?’ instead of ‘How much can I give?’
  • ‘How much time should I spend praying and reading my Bible?’ instead of ‘I wish I didn’t have to go to work, so I could sit here and read longer!’"

Basically, I realized there were a lot of areas where I was being a Lukewarm Christian.  For example, giving to others freely, without thinking "I sure hope God repays me for this soon", or "I can't afford to give that much".  I've caught myself thinking those thoughts so many times.  It really comes down to this: Am I willing to give God EVERYTHING, and trust Him completely to meet my needs? or am I only going to give 50%?  God's not interested in half-heartedness.  He says that uncommitted faith and half-heartedness are completely useless to Him.
All this to say, It really made me think about what my whole goal is in life, and whether I was serving God with my whole heart, or just being an average lukewarm Christian.

If you haven't read this book.....seriously, it is amazing.


  1. I LOVE this book! Recently someone recomended it to me and I ended up going and buying it because I enjoyed it soo much. Its definitly one of my new favorite books. (: -As well as Do Hard Things (which I'm still finishing)

  2. Oh, this book is like a bomb! Truly powerful.

  3. I've always wanted to read this book!! Maybe I could borrow it from you when you're done. :) sounds like it's full of good truth...
    *love* your blog!! super cute. :)
