Okay, 14 days into January and I feel the need to do a little recap of 2011 to make up for the lack of Christmas/New years letters my family sends out each year...
So, 2011 in one word? Frazzled. Not gonna lie about that one. =/ Finishing high school, entering college, first (full) year with a job...What can i say? Life is crazy!
Here's my 2011 in a Nutshell:
- Went out to eat at Giordano's for Rachel & Caleb's bdays(:
- Played broomball.
- Played lazertag and had a sleepover with Jenn, Rachelle and Kayla!
And...apparently I didn't take any pictures. My bad...
- Did a speech about Joan of Arc (pretty amazing, not gonna lie)
- Last CBC Valentine's Dinner. :(
- Packers won the superbowl!!!
- Sister turned 17!
- Went Skiing with CFC friends.

- Played volleyball.
- Senior Photoshoot session one-indoor. :)
- Went to Golden Corral for the first time with Jakob, Andrew and Laurel for Laurel's b-day!
- Saw Rachel Osuna. :)
- Photoshoot with church girls.

- Kicked off the volleyball season ;)
- Saw Pirates 4 with Brit and Laurel!
- Got my citation award for AWANA
- Graduated high school, had an amazing photoshoot with my wonderful friend Kayla, and went to a few of my friend's grad parties. :)
- Went to Chicago with a few of my favorite girls!
- Wyoming missions trip!

- Went to the mall with Charles and Bridget. (:
- WAKEBOARDED with CFC peeps!
- Math Team reunion
- Said goodbye to Aaron and Brittany. :(
- Went on the traditional CFC camping trip! it was awesome, as always. :D
- Went shopping for college stuff with the best friend! :) (:
- Saw Rachel Osuna for the first time in....a long time.
- Had to jump the car for the first time. Interesting experience.
- Played volleyball and hung out a few last times with my favorite people.
- Ate at Panda Express for the first time since going to college
- Survived orientation. =O
- Got 6 college credits for Analyzing & Interpreting lit.
- Met lots of cool people. :)
- Dressed up as fairies with Jenn, Jenny, Candace and Theresa
- Spent lots of time with GEM! :D
- Cassie visited me(:
- Got an impromptu speech...and survived. ;)
- Had fun with Candace and Leah for Candace's b-day!
- Went apple picking. (:
- On break for 7 weeks. ;)
- Worked at 5am on Black Friday...and survived.
- Christmas banquet at college
- Turned 19. (still processing the fact that this is my last year being a teenager--borderline scary). Candace and Leah drove two hours to visit me!
- Played volleyball for the first time in MONTHS.
- Christmas caroled--1800's style!
- Made cookies (as tradition) with Kayla, Jenn and Rachelle, and we saw MI4 in theaters!
- Spent Christmas eve and Christmas with my awesome cousins and second cousins. (:
- Went out to eat with Billy, Levi and Rosa and then to see Sherlock Holmes!
- Had a few game nights with my church homies!
Well, that's all for now! I'll catch up with everything since last month sometime later. For right now...I'm off to bed. Later! :)
Nice recap!
Nice pics!
SO happy to have been a part of your year! Let's be sure to do just as much this year, if not more! (Well, that could get a little crazy, just as much would be a good goal for starters. If that sounds too practical, than too bad! We are going to be twenty this year, so time to farewell the teenie impractical expectations ;)